• User AvatarMiriam
  • 12 Jan, 2024
  • 5 Mins Read

A new year, new look and other new stuff but also old stuff too, because it’s still valid.




Changes have been afoot for quite some time but it took a rest, some analysing of customers feedback to put these changes into place all around best coaching practices. These changes will be drip-feed over the next few months and the feeling is ‘yay, this is a better way of doing things’. Hopefully.


New thing #1 New way of delivering my online courses. At the end of the month how you see the courses on my current website will be gone. Until then all courses have been discounted by 50%. This won’t be advertised anywhere, it’s not even on my website at this stage. So it’s just for people who have read my content. You! Go you. The link to view all the courses is below, use VIP50 at the check out and the half price deal is yours.


New thing #2 – Audio only. One client asked if I could put my videos into audio only so she could listen to it in her car. Ummm, ok? I thought but then, actually, that’s a really good idea. Listening and practising speech lessons in the car is a real time saver and listening to info is a better way of learning for some people. You will find the audio versions of my videos in Spotify. Just not yet, I’ll let you know when. 


New thing #3 – Social Media. I’m changing up where and how I post on socials so you’ll see less of me on Facebook but more of me on YouTube. YouTube is a great place to see and hear all the tips, techniques and strategies for Saying It Clearly, Confidently and Eloquently. 


Old Thing – Children’s speech. This never gets old for me. For over 30 years now I’ve been in education and training and the methods I use are not only tried and true but they WORK. It is even more important than ever for children to learn how to speak clearly, not only for speech sake but also learning how to spell and read. It is the foundation of all learning and it should not be overlooked or ignored. The online courses are at these really reasonable prices so they can be accessible to many, especially now with 50% (limited time offer of course).


Here’s a nice wee listicle of reasons why speech is important for children. (This is speaking to them and them speaking to you).

  1. Children’s brains grow when engaged in conversation with an adult. 5 conversation turns are best, not instructions or close-ended questions. (more on that later).
  2. Children’s vocabulary increases, their understanding of correct grammar and syntax also increases, even if yours is incorrect. (I saw, not I seen. Th is enunciated Th not v or f, just to begin).
  3. Your teenagers are more likely to tell you what is on their minds when you are sitting around the dining table having dinner and talking. As well as what their ‘friends’ are getting up to.  (Note, no technology allowed during dinner time, more on that later too). This can be frightening, which is all the more reason to do it.
  4. You learn so much about your child that you will never find out if you haven’t spoken with them and in our busy lives, dinner time around the table is the best place to do this if you are busy throughout the day.
  5. As they tell you what they have seen or heard you can tell them whether something is correct or not. Some information a mean friend may have told them, you can correct this opinion with what is actually correct.
  6. General knowledge increases as you can discuss what is happening around the world.


It is vital not only for our kids to learn and grow but to develop a high level of self-worth, to help keep their anxiety levels at ‘normal’ Don’t worry about flash cards and apps and YouTube (ironic much?) to teach your kids, absolutely nothing beats you talking to them.


Of course, I’m meaning positive conversation, conversation around them, and how they are doing. Remember ‘Remove criticism and blame from your dialogue and you will build your integrity’ Integrity as a person and a parent. Take this into your team at work as well.


Dr Leah Woodward’s book “The Strength Switch” is a fabulous book to help you build up your child’s sense of self-worth by focussing on their innate strengths as opposed to criticising what they can’t do or what they’ve done wrong. Another resource you can take into your workplace.


Back to why conversational turns are important, it has been found that children who only hear instructions and do not engage in conversational turns before they are 5, will not have the vocab to hold a conversation by the time they are 14.


The reason why you should eat dinner without technology? 700 words a minute are lost if any sort of tech distracts you. Turn off the television, put your phone away, turn off all devices and focus on your kids.


As a mum of two teenage boys, this has been vital in finding out who my kids are, what frightens them, and what or who they turn to if they want to find something out. Some conversations have been extremely worrying and sometimes my boys haven’t made the right choices about some things but we are continually talking and re-directing to positive pathways.


The saying about taking a village is so so true, make sure you reach out to family, friends, and professionals if you have any concerns about your children. In the meantime, set that table for dinner, sit down and TALK.


Then, to reinforce this real time talk check out my online courses so your children can continue learning. Each video is only 3-5 minutes long and it’s a great way for independent learning in the holidays especially. 


Any questions or comments, leave below 🙂 Miriam.

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