• User AvatarMiriam McKenzie
  • 14 Dec, 2014
  • 54 Secs Read

Free Tips for Clear Diction

What is clear diction and why is it important?

It is the ability to speak clearly so people listening can hear and understand you easily. An excellent skill for anyone, no matter what age, sex, race or language you are speaking. The same rules apply to everyone.

These tips will help make sure your speech is clear and easy to understand for those listening.

The four steps are:

  • Practise exercies to relax your tongue
  • Make sure you know the correct position your tongue should be in
  • Relax your jaw to allow your mouth to open
  • Open your mouth wide enough to let the words come out

If your facial muscles aren’t relaxed or fit enough you need exercises to help with this.
If you don’t know the correct position your tongue should be in, you need to learn the techniques to help.

All of my training programmes have a comprehensive guide to show you how to do it. This can easily be achieved on line. Set up a time now to find out how: miriam@www.sayitclearly.co.nz

Merry Christmas!