• User AvatarMiriam McKenzie
  • 06 Sep, 2021
  • 2 Mins Read

New! New! New! Brand spanking well new.

Change has been in the air at Say It Clearly since the start of the year. Slowly, slowly the changes have been put into place and now it is the newsletter’s turn.

There has been a change to the look and frequency of the newsletter. Every month there will be a special offer of some sort as well as the usual information, tips or techniques. Nothing too dramatically different there.

What’s prompted these changes is that SIC has been running for over 8 years now and I feel like winding down a bit.  It really was time to stop and have a re-assess as to what’s not sustainable and thinking ahead for the next 8 years, it’s now all about small and slow.

All day workshops are out. Half day workshops only for teams.  Individual training availability has been restricted to 4 a month which leaves time for creating new resources that everyone can access on an online ‘school’ so welcome to the world SayItClearly.nz!

Hmmm, not so dramatic really and it may seem as if there is no change at all but there is, truly.

.nz platform is like a shop. You go in, have a browse around, ask some questions – will this work, how does it fit, how long will it last. That sort of thing. Then you make your choice and make your way to the counter to pay. The best part is there is no social distancing, waiting outside while others shop, wearing a mask and the customer service is exceptional. The staff won’t keep chatting to each other while you wait. Or complete some mundane chore while you stand there wanting some help. I’ve digressed.

This ‘school’ has all my training in programmes that will suit what you are looking for. Wanting help with any form of public speaking? Pitches, Presentations and Public Speaking is for you. Struggling to be heard in meetings and wanting to be an effective leader? Find Your Voice, Find Your Words. Is English your second language and you really need to have excellent spoken English for your job? Then Speak Excellent English will cover all your needs.

What if you want a programme for a child? We have two – Performance Preparation for Children  or Clear Speech for Children. There are several schools running both these programmes which is a great way to reach a larger number of children needing speech help, even if it is just for confidence but will most certainly improve their articulation which in turn helps out with learning to read and spell.

Click on the link to take a look. Any questions just ask or if you have any feedback I’d love to hear it. www.sayitclearly.nz

Diaphragmatic breathing is essential for any aspect of speech. It is the ‘motor power’ in behind your voice and it is also the method of breathing recognised as reducing anxiety levels and lowering your blood pressure. Watch the free video on the home page to learn how and practise your favourite exercise every day or at times you feel your heart rate is going up due to worry or stress.

Sign up to any course and you receive the full 40 page training manual FREE saving you $29NZD. This offer expires on the 30th of September 2021.

Good luck out there, stay safe.
