• User AvatarMiriam McKenzie
  • 12 Apr, 2021
  • 2 Mins Read

Times are a-changing. Is your business keeping up?

Last year I had some great feedback from a blog about clear diction, what it is, and how it helps you to communicate with people in a clear and professional manner. Read on and check out what people had to say.

Could you talk to business owners that have receptionists because as I have lately had to talk to a lot of people. The receptionist I spoke with today was awful – she came across like she couldn’t care less about her job and didn’t know what to do with the information. Maybe let them know that the gatekeeper is their business keeper not just a cheap person to answer calls.” 

Yesterday I spoke with a receptionist from somewhere and she mumbled that much I disconnected as I could not be bothered with the company. Last week, I was going to order some building materials from a small business – give them the business, spread the business around – no. The attitude and the way she spoke was so off-putting I suggested to her that she take up elocution lessons and I bought from (elsewhere).

These comments still stand. A complacent business who doesn’t know how their front of house sounds or even what they say as first point of contact can be hugely detrimental to future sales and repeat business.

Become an Undercover Boss
Give your business a call from an unknown number, ask a few questions, even difficult questions, and see what happens. Do they give your business the impression you are after? Were they clearly spoken? Did they answer your questions patiently and politely? If not, give honest feedback along with a solution. Maybe all they need is a script to follow, perhaps an extra pair of hands are needed. Then, of course, they could get some training in how to use their voice effectively. Take a look at our online courses collection, watch the free previews and decide which course best suits your objectives. Flick me an email if you need some help miriam@www.sayitclearly.co.nz. 

Employee Investment

Investing in your employees isn’t a “nice to have”, it’s an essential. Investing in your staff means less negativity in the workplace, less stress, less sick leave and less turnover – all very costly expenses you can avoid.

If you are not achieving the results you want in your business, even for you as a leader, what are you doing about it? Or, what are going to do about it? If the answer so far is, nothing, then I urge you to consider the real and positive benefits of professional development.

You never know what’s around the corner but high emotional intelligence, open and honest communication, and excellent leadership skills are a necessity for not only survival but also overall well being.
An oldie but a goodie…