• User AvatarMiriam
  • 01 Apr, 2024
  • 2 Mins Read

Being a good employer


This can be really challenging and times are a-changing out there with  job security not quite as good as it has been in the past. 


We’ve heard recently of hundreds of journalists about to lose their jobs mid-year plus and I’ve been told of businesses large and small in my region having to let staff go, due to down-turn in business.


We could say how just having a job should be enough for people but I do think acknowledging and valuing staff goes a long way for goodwill and staff well-being.


Offering ongoing professional learning, including in a well-being programme, possibly even offering a  may be very helpful and appreciated by your staff.  Offering ongoing professional learning?


It would be my opinion that offering ongoing professional learning is essential, not a bonus since this is what I do, and the reason I do it is that I wholeheartedly believe good communication and clear speech are the baselines for any person, employees and employers alike.


Recently I have lowered the price of my online courses because I want them to be as accessible to as many people as possible.


When I speak to people about what it is they are wanting to achieve, the content to learn to help them achieve their goals could be found in any one, two or three of those programmes, hence the bundling. It made so much more sense to give people access to all the courses to help them achieve.


Some people have English as a second language so the ideal course for them is the Masterclass – Excellence in English. But they also have to present a lot at work, plus it means promotions for them so the best course there is Pitches, Presentations and Public Speaking. There are others who have been awarded a promotion but really struggle to lead. They feel talked over, unheard and not valued in their role so the best course for them is Find Your Voice, Find Your words as well as Presentations, and if they have English as a second language then the Masterclass course too.

Lots of crossovers! There are over 80 lessons combined in these courses, not to mention the live monthly training, to avoid overwhelm and to get them started a personal programme is created for them.


One of our values — communicating effectively is a life-long skill. We build our confidence when we correctly enunciate sounds, pronounce words and to speak with an effective voice that is heard clearly, is interesting to listen to, and, above all, wins us what we are seeking.


Here’s to a great week, Miriam.


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